The comments are a very much necessary
part of any blog/website as in them readers categorically tells their opinions related to the post of a blog/website. So it's necessary to pay a bit of our
time to create this part so that it can look additional trendy,
accessible and neat.
To put our comments neatly and properly, we should always build every comment simple
to identify, so that we can find and easily recognise from wherever it begins and to wherever
it ends, otherwise it becomes a jumble of letters and our guests might run away.
Here are
some strategies to create some separating lines or borders
to separate and differentiate every
comment. One of these blogger tips and tricks related to blogger comments is “How to Add a Separator/Border to Blogger Comments.”
By this blogger tutorial which is on
HTML based, we can separate each comment by lines or borders.
How to Add a Separator/Border to Blogger Comments?
Now click on Edit HTML
Expand the template
Click anywhere inside the Code area and by using Ctrl+F open search box
By using search box,
Find this code
If in our
blog/website, threaded comments system (with the reply option) is being used
Just above ]]></b:skin>
, paste the below given
code.comment-block {
border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;
.comments .continue {
border-top: 0px solid #000000;
If in our
blog/website, previous comments system (with no reply option) is being used
Just above ]]></b:skin>
, paste the below given
code#comments-block .comment-footer {
border-bottom:1px solid #000000;
Customize settings as:
- 1- To change the border color replace the value #000000 (use this tool to get new hex code freely)
- 2- To change the border style change the solid to dashed, dotted, outset, inset etc
- 3- To change the border thickness edit the 1px value
After completing customization, click
on Save.
Congratulations! That’s it…
By using simple HTML coding you have
easily applied or Added a Separator/Border
to Blogger Comments.
Comment Policy : We are pleased to see your comment here. However, Please Keep in mind that all comments are moderated manually by humans according to our comment policy all. Using Keywords in the name field area is forbidden. Let’s enjoy a personal and meaningful conversation.